I'm teaching Nolan to "dip dip" his french toast sticks into syrup and he LOVES it. Not only the taste, but saying "Dip Dip" then dipping. The problem is it's kind of messy. Yesterday morning I turned my head for a second too long and he had smeared it all in his hair. All this before 9 AM. At lunch he smeared applesauce in his hair, so I played beauty parlor and put water, conditioner and gel in his hair. It looked SOOO cute, but after his nap it was back to his normal style.
But here are some crazy "syrup" pictures!

Funny...Abby sported the same hair do this morning after her waffle which she dips in syrup. I guess us old folks dont know thats just the style. Abby's was so bad she required a bath right after breakfast! She looked like Mary from "Theres Something About Mary"
I love the new do!! Hee Hee...I haven't been brave enough to experiment with syrup with Avery yet...maybe I'll have to try it out. :)
Definately save these for when he is older! Too funny!
Too cute!
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