This past weekend Brian, Nolan and I took a mini-vacation. It just seems like time is going so quickly and it always seems like there's SOMETHING to be done, so we figured, we better get away for a bit and enjoy the precious stage Nolan is at and enjoy each other's company! So we booked a hotel room in Sandestin at the Hilton Golf Resort. Gotta love those (winter) military rates!!! We had SUCH a good time and both Brian and I were really sad to see the weekend end. Nolan was probably sad too, but he was asleep when we asked him...he was one tired little guy from all the fun we had. Since it was such a nice hotel we were relieved to see other young couples with little ones of their own.
Here are some pictures of our room and what not. There will be plenty more pics to come!

This was Nolan's bed...JUST KIDDING! He did love playing on the lower bed, though, he could climb it. And he would lay his head down and say Night Night! We probably could have let him sleep there, but we weren't sure vacation was the time to test those waters out. So we slid his pac n play in there. Perfect!
This was the view from our balcony:
Looks like you guys had fun, we missed you around here though!!
I'm oh so jealous... as we brace for another winter storm in the lou! Glad you had fun!
winter...brrr...rough days for you guys! :)
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