Saturday Brian was invited to go "to the country" with some work buddies. They go out there and do super exciting things like chop wood and beat their chests. Kidding...well, they did chop wood. What sold Brian was the fact that Wess had a four wheeler. So he took Nolan on his first 4 wheel ride. Apparently Nolan LOVED it! Meanwhile I went with Neda and Tara to see Reign Over Me (with Adam Sandler & Don Cheadle). Tara's having her baby in 3 weeks and we wanted to have a girls day while we still can. The movie was really good, but sad. Adam Sandler plays a man who lost his family in the 9/11 attacks. It was the kind of movie that makes you run home and kiss and hug your own family.
Here are some pictures of the boys having fun (I sent the camera and I think told Brian 3 times...the camera's in the diaper bag, just so you know! He got the hint)!
Here they are on the 4 Wheeler: 
It looks like Nolan's saying VROOM here:

1 comment:
I absolutely LOVES Nolan's shirt. Where did you get it????
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