Saturday Brian, Nolan and I headed to Pensacola so we could go to Toys R Us, Target and...ChuckYCheese. Wow! I can honestly say that I know now why we hardly went as kids. It was a zoo. A ZOO I TELL YOU! And I am not sure if it was this particular location but it wasn't exactly the cleanest joint. But we didn't go there for the gourmet, we went there to see the look of excitement in Nolan's eye when he realized this place was all for him. He was a little apprehensive at first, but it didn't take long for him to run around and have a blast. He's at a good age, in the sense that everything is like a big surprise and not EXPECTED. And of course he didn't throw a fit when we left. And his favorite thing was a playground in the toddler section, that required zero tokens. Bonus. I was just getting warmed up on skeeball when a little girl COMPLETELY stole my lane. What could I do? I am an adult. But seriously, where do some of these kids learn manners? It was overall very fun, but something that I don't think we'll be doing too frequently.
Mmm, pizza!

Momma & Nolan in front of the dancing characters:
Daddy wants a ride!
Riding the trolley:
Any guesses what Nolan is doing back there? Let's just say, he needed his privacy...and then he was STINKY!
He looks sooo grown! I am not a fan of Chucky Cheeses' (only ever been once) brave girl you are. :)
It sounds like you weren't too impressed! Maybe you will give it another go sometime with us?
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