Friday night Brian and I took Cheyna & Andrew up on having Nolan sleep over. They are such good friends they even watched him on their 5th Anniversary!!! What great friends we have. Nolan had a fantastic time and so did Brian and I. We actually stayed in town and went to one of the...nicer restaurants (although still very casual compared to big city dining). We stopped by the AmVets place so Brian could check it out for when his parents come in town...Dennis, you'll like it! Then we went home, built a fire in the backyard and had a cozy time. We slept in Saturday morning as best we could...I couldn't really sleep, but it was nice knowing I didn't have to get up. We headed to get Nolan about 9:30. It was sooo nice to have that time and we're so grateful to Cheyna & Andrew for watching Nolan. You better be letting Abby stay over again soon! I stole a couple pics from Chey's blog of the kids having fun:

I love how Nolan actually sits still on their couch...he climbs all over us when we try to sit him on ours...I suppose practise makes perfect. I love Abby's smile here, so cute!

We had so much fun. Nolan is such a cutie, he is welcome here ANYTIME!!!
Greeting from NM! You guys look great! Thanks for the kind words you left on our blog. Hope all is well with you and your family.
-Kim, Adam, and Gweneth Fisher
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