Merry Christmas to all of our family and dear friends wherever you are today. Nolan and I have been blessed with a WONDERFUL day. We've been celebrating and opening gifts since we've gotten here and we couldn't feel more spoiled and special. I think Nolan's overwhelmed. Okay, I know he is, but he's also loving it. He adores being around his family, even though he needs to keep checking that I'm around. We're so thankful to both of our family's for being so awesome and so gracious and we are just sooo happy to be surrounded by so many of you this season.I am in denial that Christmas is almost come to a close and it's been without the love of my life. We miss him so much and as much fun as we're having, it doesn't make us miss Brian any less. We love you, Brian, and you are definitely here in spirit. XOXO to you hubby! Here's a glimpse at a couple photos. This is a bike that G&G M have had for a while (probably since Brian was Nolan's age) and Nolan adores it! I thought it would be a cute photo, but of course he wouldn't "freeze."

And here's Nolan with his cousin, Nathaniel. These two add up to 2 things. ADORABLE and TROUBLE!!!

As far as the plane ride here, well, it was...interesting. See, I planned for all the worst case scenarios, or so I thought. I planned for a delayed flight. I planned on the possibility of a very fussy, cranky, unruly toddler. I planned on the possibility of missing my connection. I planned that I may have to stay the night in Memphis. That I might lose my luggage.
I did NOT, however, plan on sitting on a bag of someone else's left-behind puke bag. Nope, didn't plan for that. Nor did I plan on the flight attendant not letting me go to the restroom to clean it up because the plane was moving. Nope, didn't plan for that one. My bad. And so when thinking of the worst case scenario's, the missing luggage was suddenly a much bigger dilemma. And, yep, you guessed it, my luggage didn't get in. More on this story to come...or maybe not, how much more do you really need to know? Except that I'm grateful for a world where everything I need to find is at Target. And I'll forever have a new appreciation for a clean, dry, puke-free plane seat.
Nolan looks stinkin cute! Sorry about your airplane mishaps...hopefully the flight home will be better!! We miss you here in Crestucky, enjoy St. Louis:)
Sorry about the travel problems...cause traveling with a toddler isn't fun enough by itself.... miss you...Merry Christmas my friend! ((( HUGS)))
OMG!!! I thought we had problems on our flights, but you take the cake chicky! UGH!
ew, yuck-puke left on a seat? what kind of weirdos are in this world???? But I'm glad you had such a wonderful Christmas!
How awful, Sam! Hopefully you had a much better trip back to FL...I think you were headed back already? I'm so out of the loop!!! I'm glad you had a wonderfully Merry Christmas with your family in STL and am praying for Brian's safe arrival home in a few short weeks. (I hope!!)
Love you and miss you!!
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