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Every Tuesday the nearby mall (nearby as in about 30 minutes away) has family night. Kids eat free at Chick-Fil-A and can ride the carasaoul for free. Mulitple times. Cheyna and I and the kids decided it would be a good time for all of us at the right price. Nolan has always been a bit skittish about the carasoul in the past and once even screamed so bad we had to remove him. Tuesday he watched it the entire time we ate (and would hardly eat he was so enthralled). He kept saying "horsie, horsie." Then I asked him if he wanted to ride and he said yes! He was not happy right away, but near the end was warming up to the fun. There weren't a lot of kids right then so we stayed on (Nolan was on a pig not a horse, just to clarify). This time he had a blast and was saying "Weeee!" We got off only to have Abby & Nolan ask for one more time. So we obliged, but after the third time we were a bit too dizzy to go another round. It was lots of fun!
Cheyna & Abby:
Momma & Nolan:
Here's a short video of Nolan:
LOVE THE CHICK-Fil-A!!!! And a merry-go-round... AWESOME!
Evan loved this video too... he gets so excited seeing vidoes of his friends on here.... :)
Miss you...
so,plan a visit while the hubby is away...:)
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