Brian left this morning, bright and early. No seriously...EARLY!!! I snapped a couple pictures of him before he left, the handsome stud.

It has all been pretty surreal at this point and the hardest part for me is trying to explain to Nolan that Daddy went on an airplane and will be gone for a while. I talked to Brian about 7:30 PM my time and he was doing well, and getting ready to leave the country. He's been traveling all day, so he has to be tired. Anyway, I am stealing this idea from Cheyna, to help with having a positive attitude about this deployment. Here are some positives/good things about Brian being deployed:
-Less laundry. Tons less. Enough said.
-Not hearing the snooze go off 5 times.
-Not planning dinners every night.
-I get to scrapbook and take up the entire dining room table with my stuff.
-Catch up on movies, TV shows and girlie stuff that Brian wouldn't care for.
-Catch up on some reading!
-More time to blog, which I'll need since it will probably take me 4 months just to catch up as it is!
Things that I'll miss:
-Brian taking out the trash
-Making dinner for my man (I know I just contradicted myself, but it's true!)
-Having a breather when Brian gets home from work and takes Nolan outside to play.
-Lazy Saturday mornings and Brian's impromtu breakfasts that are always feasts.
-Meeting Brian for lunch
-Goodnight kisses from my husband.
-Good morning kisses, as he leaves the house.
-Hello kisses after a day at work
-Going to church together and talking about class and the sermon afterwards.
-All the thousands of things Brian does around the house that I completely take for granted until he's gone and I have to do them. He's the best. I love him!!!!
Aww...cute! I am glad to see these posts cause I was trying to check in on you yesterday...
((((( hugs)))))
Aw how sweet! Arn't you glad that we raised such a FABULOUS son? Love ,hugs and kisses to you both!!!!!!!
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