Friday, September 14, 2007

Mom's Day Out

Knowing that Brian was going on this 4 month deployment (preceeded by a 3 week TDY) gave me the idea to look into our church's mother day out program. I really liked how they work it, 4 hours one day a week (actually, I guess you could do up to 3 days a week, but I just chose one since I'm a stay at home mom). They had an opening on Mondays, so in July Nolan started the program and has really enjoyed it. He often has a few tears when I drop him off, but his language skills really started improving and even little things I notice are one day, he just said "help momma" and started picking up his toys. For me, it's been wonderful. I often go grocery shopping or to Wal-Mart to get necessities and while Brian was in town we would sometimes meet for lunch. Sometimes I do more "fun" things like shop for curtains (finally found some cute ones for my kitchen), go to the book store, just walk around the mall. This past Monday, Nolan's best buddy, Abby, joined him in class. Which meant Cheyna and I had some time to just ourselves. We love our kids more than anything in the world, but it was so much fun to chat without the interuption of "No!" or "Share!" or "Don't put that in your mouth!" We went all out and had pedicures done and then had a yummy lunch. Abby did great on her first day and we were both able to sneak up and take a peek and see the kids in action. Abby's lunch box she had was so darn cute that later in the week I bought Nolan one and will take pictures next week. He picked it out himself!
Here's a picture of our piggies! And just so you know, that is a leaf in the grass. And yes, people walking by thought we were insane to put our feet together and snap a photo.

1 comment:

Keelee said...