Besides working very hard, Brian was able to see some amazing sights and have a much needed break from the hum-drum of 12-14 hour days behind a desk. So, in Brian's words via email, here are some photos and descriptions of his trip. I am putting his text in orange. It is, after all, his favorite color.
This is a picture of the keycard in a slot on the wall. If you don't put your key in the slot, your lights won't turn on. I walked in and flipped all of the switches and nothing. I thought my power was out. I noticed a small slot on the wall with a little orange light and tried to push on it and tried to slide it, with negative results. Finally after about 5 min walking around the room with my flashlight and about to call the front desk to let them know my power was out, I decided to slide my card into the slot to see what happened and WHAM all of the lights came on as well as the A/C. It is their way to save electricity and ensure you don't leave the lights on when you leave……interesting! Everyone in our group said they did the same thing, but eventually figured it out. I'm sure the front desk has a chuckle when people call down because they can't get the lights to work.
This is a pic of the bathroom. It had a bedaeu (not sure how to spell but washer) that I did not use……..not even sure I would know how?
This is the room. It was a maritime theme. The bed had down pillows and a down blanket under a regular comforter. Very comfortable!
These are sky scrapers. All of their buildings have some sort of weird shape. Very few of them are square.

This is the group out to eat at Hardrock Café
This is Elvis, he's alive. This was a cover band that played for the Navy base. He dressed up as many different characters including Johnny Cash.
This was our last dinner in Bahrain. The one I was telling you about with all of the meat…..

Its good to see that Brian's deployment isn't all work and no fun!! Not too much longer and he will be back home :)
Did he see Micheal Jackson???
Wow! It's so cool to see what Brian has been up to. We are so proud of what you're doing over there, Brian and can't wait for you to safely return home to your wonderful family. :)
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