Saturday Nolan and I went to a 1st Birthday party for Zachary, a little boy whom we met through the base play group. Gayle and I became friends through the play group (and Cheyna) and she has two sons, Zach and Nathan, who is going to be 3 in March. We had been to their house one other time and let me just tell you, it's basically Disneyland for Nolan. A house with all boy toys, a train table with tons of trains, and a backyard with some awesome cars/bikes. Gayle and Chris certainly know how to throw a party, the food was fantastic and everyone was just so at ease and relaxed. To say that Nolan had lots of fun would be an understatement, but he certainly DID have a blast and I enjoyed myself, too! After the birthday party, we came home and I had gotten Nolan a babysitter. I just needed a break from the nighttime routine and I think it's probably good for Nolan to have a break from me. So a very last minute dinner was arranged at Uptown and I met Neda and Tara there. I went all out and had a steak AND dessert. It was so nice to enjoy some peace and quiet and chat with two girls whom I almost never get to have a full conversation with...or at least an uninteruppted conversation.
Gayle & Zachary:

The bouncy castle with slide...can you see why Nolan didn't want to ever leave?
Just like Daddy, riding his 4 wheeler!
Zachary getting into his cake (with the help of big brother Nathan)

Here's a short clip of Nolan on a "little people" car. He LOVED this thing and I did too, since the handle in the back let me help him without even bending over. Awesome!
Kypp (Neda's hubby) joined us near the end of our meal, after returning from the SUPERBOWL for the kids he coaches in football. They took 2nd place, which is just awesome!!!! Way to go Coach Kypp!

Neda, Myself & Tara:
Your hair looks great!
I'm so glad to hear you were able to have a night out with the girls. :) Looks like you both had a ton of fun that day!!!
BTW-the video of him with the little people says it's no longer available??? Just an FYI
I'm so glad to hear you were able to have a night out with the girls. :) Looks like you both had a ton of fun that day!!!
BTW-the video of him with the little people says it's no longer available??? Just an FYI
you look fantastic!! :) Miss you!! Hope to catch up soon!! :)
I am bummed I missed Zach's party and girls night out! :( Looks like fun though!
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