Last night was lots and lots of fun for Nolan and I. We joined Tara, Rob and Alex at their house for some pizza and then while Rob stayed back and handed out candy the 4 of us went trick or treating. Well, Nolan did most of the trick or treating. After the first couple houses I said, "You want momma to come with you?" And the ornery little elephant said, "No." He was super cute walking up to the doors and knocking. Apparently Rob & Tara live in the absolute best trick or treating neighborhood because families were driving in to trick or treat there. So many times Nolan would just follow the "big" kids in a group to the door before returning to me. My favorite treat of the night was a (halloween) juice box that someone was giving out. It came in sooo handy because I forgot Nolan's juice back at Tara's house, and he was so thirsty! I may even steal that idea next year. Alex was so stinkin' adorable in his costume and seemed enthralled with all that was going on...especially when Nolan was ransacking his toys! It won't be long, though, before they're running around together. Thanks again for having us over!
Here are some pics from last night and a couple more from Saturday.
Nolan & Momma:

This elephant is on a mission (to get more candy of course).
PJ time...hard to believe they aren't already asleep!
Looks like you guys had a great time! I still can't get over how adorable Nolan is in his costume!! :) That's so cool that he caught on to knock on doors himself...I bet the people handing out candy got a kick out of it. :)
Oh man, looks like you guys had a great time! I wish we could have gone trick or treating with you guys! Its good to see the lobster costume got some more use this year :)
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