Oh sweet boy, where on earth does the time go? How could I have possibly blinked so fast? It was only yesterday that I was rocking you in the middle of the night after your 1st Birthday party because you got a tummy ache from the icing. And it was only the day before that I was holding you, watching you, amazed that something, someone, so perfect and beautiful could come out of me! You are a miracle, our miracle, and for a little man, your personality and heart are out of this world big. You continue to amaze me, seriously amaze me, every day. You are so stinkin' mischievous and you don't lack a stubborn streak (or a temper). But even when you push every single one of my buttons, even when I physically feel my hair turning grey, I love you more every passing second. I often wonder how days, and even moments, can feel so long, but the years are literally flying by. When you laugh, no matter what kind of mood I'm in, every muscle loosens and I find myself laughing right along with you. This can pose a problem when I am trying to discipline you. And don't think I don't know that YOU know that. I know. Us momma's are pretty smart. I love when out of nowhere you ask for a hug or a kiss. I love when you are steaming mad, but I am trying to make you laugh and you have this cross between a scowl and a smile. You are using every muscle in your face trying not to laugh and usually you lose. I love it! Your impatience drives me right up a wall. In fact, recently while grocery shopping you wanted to ride the choo choo train, the mechanical train they put in the store. The rule is, you are good while I shop, you get to ride. The problem is from the moment we step foot in the store, you say, "choo choo ride?" "Nolan ride choo choo?" over and over and over, non stop, getting louder the longer I shop. I told you the last time this ordeal was happening that you were "Driving me up the wall." Well, you heard the word drive and proceeded to ask, "Nolan drive wall??" You thought it was some new vehicle you had never heard of and I'll be a monkey's uncle if you weren't going to ride it. At least you stopped saying "Choo choo" for all of 30 seconds. Seriously, that's a long time, I'm not being all sarcastic here. You are having a bit of a tough time with Daddy's absence. You cling to me way more than you used to. Part of this is because I'm a rockin' momma. But I worry that you think I will get on a plane and be gone for a long time, too. I won't be, sweetie, and even though right now it seems like eternity, Daddy won't be gone forever either. I wish there was some way for me to make you understand that. We both love you so very much and as strong as our love is for one another, as much as Daddy and I are head over heels in love...you made our love grow stronger and in ways neither of us saw coming. Happy Birthday, my sweet Nolan. Happy 2 years of making this world a much better, funnier, sweeter place to be.
Here's Nolan enjoying his birthday ice cream at lunch. He loved being sung to by the staff. He's had a great day I'll blog more about that in days to come. I had to have little talk to him about sharing...he did NOT want to give me a bite! I only had one bite and he ate the whole thing!

Dearest Nolan - Happy 2nd birthday!
Sam - you made me cry - it was a beautiful letter to your son!
Love and hugs to all of you,
Grammy Susan Vrabec (mother of 2 sons)
I had to break out the tissues for this one! Happy Birthday Nolan!!!
Happy Birthday Nolan! I remember visiting with you in the hospital and how little and precious you were then... Well, you are not quite so little but even more precious and I send you many birthday blessings! Now...be good to your Momma! (You know us Momma's need to stick together!) ;) Love,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY NOLAN!! Where does the time go, really?! He's grown since I've seen him in Sept!! Give him a big kiss and hug for me! MUCH LOVE...XOXO
That was so beautiful, Sam. I too had to pull out the tissues! :) Happy Birthday again, Nolan. You truly do make this world a much better place.
Happy Birthday Nolan!! We love you!!
Tammi, Tim and the boys
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