Last Monday instead of having our usual get together at the church, our Mom & Me group went to the Toys for Tots event going on. Each child donated a toy for admission and then there were some fun games and activities for them to participate in. It was a great way to enjoy the beautiful weather we've been having!
Painting pumpkins. We added Nolan's to our pumpkins on the front porch; when he's with Brian he says, "I made that for YOU!" When he's with me he says, "I made that for YOU!" 

Bobbing for apples. I really was wary about this. Chilly weather, all the kids adding spit, germs...okay, just thinking about it makes me ill, but I got over it and at least the kids ate their apples, so any germs they may have caught were fought off with the vitamins in the apple. That's what I'm telling myself anyway.

See...eating. Abby had already eaten much of hers!
A race to dress up in grown up clothes. Nolan looks thrilled here, doesn't he?

I think this was the favorite (other than the candy and the playground). Hop Hop!

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