I guess I still hesitate to write this post, just as most parents hesitate to call their kids "potty trained." But today, for the second school day in a row, he had no accidents at school and went on the potty each time. Three weeks ago he wouldn't even sit on the potty at school. Almost all of my friends heard my woes about trying to get him to go potty and everyone reassured me when he decided it was time, he would go. But I was D-O-N-E with the diapers. Come on, when he can tell me to go away because he has to poop (word for word), get a new diaper and practically change his own toosh, it's time to go on the potty for pete's sake! Anyway, I got lots of expert advice and had many friends just listen to me (over and over) complain.
We were using race cars as a bribe to get him to go. I think had we held off and used this tactic later in the game it may have worked. Andi told me that they bought Caleb a gumball machine and that did the trick. Since Nolan loves candy and playing with coins I went out the next day and bought a gumball machine, but replaced it with skittles. That day he pooped and peed on the potty 4 times!!!! The rest, as they say, is history. It just clicked. He still has had some accidents, but what amazed Brian and I is how long it felt like it took to get to this point, but once he started going on the potty, how quickly he caught on consistently!
Way to go, Nolan. My baby really is growing up and we're so proud of you!
WAY TO GO NOLAN! You rock!!
HIP HIP HOORAY NOLAN! He looks really proud to be showing off his new underwear. We were wondering if he was goiing to make it by Walt Disney World trip. Much love, Gramma and PawPaw
We are so proud of you Nolan! Whoo Hoo!!!
Great job Nolan (and Sam)!!!! grammy s
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