We had a great weekend. The weather was fantastic and we took full advantage Saturday by boating with Cheyna, Andrew & Abby. I think Abby & Nolan are really starting to recognize each other, it's fun to watch them together. They had a blast swimming at Crab Island. I was surprised at how green the water was, I wish I knew more about science and what makes it green somedays, blue/clear others. Luckily there were no jellyfish, that's always my main concern! A couple weeks ago poor Jake & Jamie got stung! :( We ate at our favorite spot, Dewey's! I had a burger and it was sooo good! The rest of the weekend we mostly chilled. Nolan is getting closer to walking. He now voluntarily lets go of us or a "walking" toy to stand there on his own. We get him to do it by telling him to clap, and since he loves clapping he gets really excited to stand there all by himself and clap. He still hasn't stood up by himself without the help of a chair, couch, table, toy, etc but he is starting to try. And Saturday he was walking with the ball and when it rolled away he took a couple steps before dropping to his toosh. It is truly a fascinating time watching him go through these little baby steps (ha ha ha, pardon the pun). Anyway, hope everyone is having a good start to their week. We're just glad the blog is back, even the few hours I couldn't figure out the problem were scary!!!
The three boys & Abby:
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Abby & Andrew:
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Bri & Nolan cuddling:
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Sorry Cheyna, I guess I didn't get you in any shots! Next time! :)
Im not offended by not being in any of the shots...We had such a wonderful time on the boat with you guys, thank you soooo much!!!
I'm totally jealous!! It was so cold and windy here this weekend!! Well, I guess the sun was shining but it's getting to that time of year :( Glad you guys are enjoying the nice weather!
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