Saturday we did house and yard work. Late Saturday afternoon we headed to a park in town for a Family Night Out picnic with a local Mom's club I recently joined. We had lots of food and Nolan had fun playing on the playground. Dad put him on the slide for the first time and he loved it. It was already after 4 by the time we got there, but it was still very hot. So we didn't stay too long, but it was nice to hang out with other families (most are Air Force).
Here we are at the park:
See Nolan's shoes in the pictures? They are squeeky! My mom's cousins, Court & Jane, gave them to us as a shower gift and we're so happy he fits into them. Everyone at the park got a kick out of hearing him "Squeek Squeek" by! So fun!
After the picnic we headed to Jake & Jamie's house to watch the UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship) game. This is the second one I've seen, and I have to admit, they are pretty entertaining to watch. Not crazy when someone bleeds, but Saturday night there wasn't as much blood as the first fight I saw a couple months ago. Of course, I spend the first half hour of the matches giggling and saying I just can't get past how the two fighters look like they are snuggling and making out, but whatever! Jamie made awesome taco's for us and an amazing chocolate mint cake that makes me drool just writing about it. YUM! I made it through the first few matches, but fell asleep on Brian's shoulder during the BIG match...come on, it was WAY past my bedtime! And Kutcher, their dog, was all snuggled up to me, so it was inevitable. But we had a great time and Nolan was a trooper, sleeping in his pack n play at the Malones and going right back to sleep when we got home.
Great job posting!! too hot...for the picnic..that is soooo funny! I mean considering we are battling snow...can you tell how green I am with envy from here???
Hey! We had people over and watched that payperview too! Jeff is a HUGE UFC fan. :)
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