Today Nadia's power was going to be out all day (booo!), but that meant she wanted to come hang out with us (yeaaaaahhh!)! She and Tristan came over this AM and the kids played while we drank coffee and chatted. Then we met up with Cheyna & Abby and did a little shopping (I bought something REALLY REALLY cool, but it's a surprise for the blogging world, I bet you can't wait until I tell you!!!). Then we all went to the park, fed the ducks, played in the splash pad and then hot & exhausted we headed to Appleebee's for lunch. I did snap some photo's, but not enough! I am hoping I can steal the picture Nadia took of the boys...Nolan would not hear of being held on his way into the store since Tristan was walking. So I told him to hold Tristan's hand and he did. They walked like that into the store and it was so cute. Nolan adores Tristan and is in such awe of him...he gave him plenty of hugs today (without us telling him too). Of course, when Nolan saw Abby at the store, you would have thought it was Christmas morning...both of my best friends? Together?? REALLY?
Here's the only duck feeding shot I got...Nolan was bound & determined to run INTO the lake, so I had to keep a close eye on him to say the least!

Chey & Abby at lunch (Cheyna's going to be mad at me that her eyes weren't open, but she's so pretty anyways!!!)
Here's another pretty lady!
Here's Tristan, but the "cell" phone is blocking most of his face:
Nolan chowing on some goldfish:
We had so much fun with you today! Thanks for having us!!!
I might have to have your head for posting that awful picture of me!! :)
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