June 29th Brian turned the big 30! Whoo hoo, I am dating an "old" guy (but only for like 10 more months, then I'll be "old" too). Somehow we managed to actually surprise him with a party at my friend Andi & Mark's house. It was so much fun and Andi & Mark went way above and beyond the call of friendship duty! They have the best basement ever, with a full bar which has beer & margarita's on tap (watch out for the margarita's though, Mark makes them himself and he doesn't kid around with the tequila). Thank you soooo much Andi & Mark (and Mark's neighbor who was the second bartender). And thank you to all of our friends and family who came to celebrate Brian's birthday!
Brian & his parents:
Nolan, right before bed, riding the roller coaster one more time (with Mousey). You can see the "track" in the backround, he rolled all that way! I am sooo bummed, I don't have any pictures of Caleb, Andi & Mark's adorable 2 year old. But he was very sweet and shared his toys like a champ! We kept forgetting Nolan was there because he was loving all of Caleb's toys and was being extra good so he could stay up late and play. Of course, when I put him down to sleep he CRASHED!

Look who was in town!!!! Sally!

Our bartenders, Mark & Bill (I hope I have the name right, I think I asked him like 3 times...I'm great with faces, horrible with names, always have been probably always will be).

Brian and his blood brothers, Nathan (left) & Kurt (R):

Brian and his fraternity brother/friend, Jake:

Andi (our fabulous and sexy hostess), Meghan & I:

Beth, Brian, me & Dave. I went to high school with Beth, then to college with her and we both joined Alpha Xi Delta. Dave lived next door at the Lambda Chi house. Those were some good times!

Me, Kim, Samuel (7 months already!), Brian and Steve. Kim and I were in the same pledge class and became instant friends when we met. They visited us in Cheyenne shortly after Nolan was born and right before they got preggers!

Here's Eric and Mike (and part of Miranda)...why don't we have a shot of all of us together, dangit?

Meghan and I (can you believe we've been friends for 24 years? If that doesn't make me feel old, then turning 30 certainly won't!):

And last but not least the shot of our "old" gang. These are all people who went to Rolla & were Sig Nu or Sigma Nu groupies. Kevin, who I also went to HS with, then he was a Sigma Nu, invited me to a party and that's where I met Brian. Next is Jake, also a Sigma Nu, but he was in Explorer's with me and we went to summer camp with the same group for years before I met Brian. Small world, isn't i? Then there's Sally, Brian, myself and in front Shari!

There were also some folks at the party whose picture I didn't get. Brian's Grandma, my parents, my brother Jack & his beautiful wife Tish (why don't we ever remember to take pictures of us???), Lisa and Miranda, and as mentioned before Caleb. So...if anyone has any pictures of any of these people send them my way!!!
Looks like you guys had a blast. I love the T-shirt Brian! Happy Belated Birthday!!!!
Hey!!! There are people I know in that picture! How is Dairaghi doing these days? I haven't seen him in ages!
Happy Birthday to Brian! My hubby turns 30 this year too. Crazy. It seems like not that long ago that we were geeky drama kids. :)
P.S. Thanks for the comment on my blog, sweetpea! Do you know if there's any way to respond to comments?
Happy way belated 30th birthday Brian!! Looks like you guys celebrated in style. :) Good times!
Glad you got so many good pics. I will check our camera. I think I got a pic of GG Mc and your Dad and Mom. Not sure about Tish and Jack though. If so I'll have Nathan send them on to you.
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