Monday, July 16, 2007

Trouble times Two!

Last week I sliced up a banana for Nolan and gave him about half of it, which he wasn't very interested in. I had the other half sitting on the edge of the counter and I was going to eat it. I went in the other room for a MERE SECOND and when I returned there were Tootsie and Nolan. Nolan was watching Tootsie and petting her as she swallowed the last bit of banana down...with most of the peel! I put them both in time out, but only one of them took me seriously. These two are TROUBLE!!!!
Here's Tootsie, looking VERY GUILTY(at least someone is)!
Here's Nolan in time out telling me in detail a good excuse, and of course he kept saying "I'm Sorry (I SAWY)!"Here are the pair of them, all chummy after time out.

1 comment:

Kim and Matt said...

Hee hee! They are quick aren't they????