I knew it would happen someday, but I didn't think it would be so soon. You know, your kid comes to you and wants to do something just like their friends. Be just like them. "If Jimmy jumped off a bridge would you?" Then it happened. Nolan received a gift, from a very dear friend. Someone he loves, adores and trusts. It's only natural he would want to partake in the fun, even to his Momma & Daddy's horror. We feel very strongly about certain things, especially when they are going on under OUR roof. But we also believe Nolan should be allowed a certain amount of independence. What we could we do, but give in and let him accept the gift, even though in our hearts we were screaming, "NO! NO! NO! NEVER!!!" I hope this photo doesn't upset some of you too much. We feel in the long run, if we don't forbid this, he'll become mature and make the right decisions....
Hee hee! So here's our Rams fan, sporting the team that I avoided like the plague while we lived in Bronco's land, Cheyenne. Cheyna thought it only appropriate that since she is spending so much time in her home town of Colorado, she send Nolan a gift. It really did make our day to get a package, and I loved the card and especially cherish the picture Abby colored for Nolan. I will draw the line and not allow Nolan to wear this when the Bronco's are playing the Rams (or maybe not in public at all, ha ha). Tell ya what, Cheyna, when Andrew lets Abby wear Bronco's gear (instead of Packers) during football season, we'll see about Nolan wearing this! I'm kidding, thanks so much for thinking of us, we miss & love you guys so much!

hahaha! You're too funny... While reading the top I coulnd't imagine what it could be! I understand the horror... Jer's family are Kansas City Chiefs fans.. and Delaney already has 2 chiefs onsies and a pair of socks!
That is AWESOME, and all I have to say is GO BRONCOS!!!
Take it off and that is an order!
I like the orange though, only if it didn't have the blue horse in the middle.
Love Daddy,
(I'm in OH right now. It is a pain trying to get an Internet connection on this base.)
Oh no- you KNOW that the Packer comment would stir a little somethin' up over here! LONG LIVE THE GREEN AND GOLD!!!
You're so funny, I was thinking toy gun, video gaming system, porn mag.... yes I know our boys are a bit too young for all that. Chris is a Red Sox fan, I was born a Yankees fan, so we have similar issues in our house. We've (read I've) decided to let Austin choose for himself ;o)
Hee hee.. that is hysterical! :)
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