Friday was Brian's EDO day (earned day off...he works longer hours for the rest of the days and gets every other Friday off work) and so we made plans for some fun McMenamy time! We started off by going to story time at the library. I can't believe almost a year has passed since I took Nolan. He was not so cooperative. We took his truck away when the storyteller started reading and he was MAD! So we had to hide the dipaer bag. Near the end he was starting to get into and liked the singing and clapping part. And he loved the getting a sticker part! I'm going to try to take him more often, as I think it's good exposure to a teacher/child setting. They only do it every other Friday in the summer, though. We headed over to the park afterwards for a little bit, then we went home and played outside much of the day. Saturday we spent the afternoon in the pool and just lounging and hanging out. Sunday we took Daddy out to breakfast and then to the airport. Nolan hates the airport, he really does...somehow he remembers it and knows one of us is usually leaving. He started crying the minute we got there and had these big alligator tears when Brian said good bye. Talk about heart shattering. So Brian left for 3 weeks for an Acquisitions training course that all people in Acquisitions have to complete at some point. The class is at Wright Patterson AFB in Ohio. The whole car ride home Nolan kept saying, "Bye Bye Daddy!" The good news is Nolan's talking on the phone with Brian extremely well. Last night he took the phone and was telling him what was on TV and then sat down and "read" him a book. As much as we love talking on the phone, though, we love Brian in person the best...can't wait for you to get home!
When I told Nolan to carry this, he got so excited he jumped in and waited. I was laughing so hard!

Daddy & Nolan on the noodle:
Eskimo Kisses:

Maddie and I have just been watching Nolans gynastic video over and over and over! When as we clicked back here we see new posts. wow what a surprise! She said I miss nolan and Grandma wholeheartedly agreed. We also miss his momma and daddy very much also. That is so sad about the airport :0( He is just growing up so fast. Could really tell in the posts that one day he looks so very young and then almost the next day he is a little boy. Did'nt explain it too clearly but you know what I mean.
I hope the time until Brian returns home flies by! Nolan is such a handsome little guy by the way!
Love the father-son pics...so darned cute!!!! I think you should keep them both :)
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