When we returned from our trip to St. Louis, the first thing we discovered was that a hose to the pool had burst and was spewing water. Lovely. We didn't know if it had burst that day, the day prior or had been burst for the 10 days we were gone. Then lightening struck...literally...and although we certainly didn't forget the impending and scary water bill coming our way, it was pushed to the side while we dealt with alot of other situations. So Brian leaves Sunday and Monday I come home to a notice on our door that they checked our water meter and they think we have a leak. I called to explain we already knew, but the dates they told me got me all confused and I thought we had another leak due to the lightening strike. The tears well up, I'm so frustrated, poor me. Brian calls right then...and I'm sure he just loves to hear a crying wife on the other line. He gently explained that the water company was just now noticing what had happened a month ago, that's just how it works, a month behind. Just to be on the safe side I had to make sure there wasn't a leak.
Here's the good part of the story! I had to check the water meter when we'd be gone from the house for a few hours. No dishwasher or washer running, etc. Brian casually mentioned I might want to wear my gardening gloves. I'm thinking it's on a post. Nope, I go out there, "right by the fire hydrant" like he tells me...it's a flipping hole in the ground!!!! I had to stick my ARM down this hole to rub off the dirt, to check the water meter. Just in case you don't know, I hate bugs and snakes. I get the eeby jeebies thinking about. So my first words when I saw this was a raised fist to Brian in Ohio, sitting in his air conditioning, bug free classroom were "ARE YOU KIDDING ME???" Nolan helped me (I went in the house and got my swifter duster...the extended handle) and we are happy to report...NO LEAK! And no bug or snake bites either.

I'm so proud! You and Nolan did a great job playing meter maid! You may not want to hear this now, but here it goes anyway. The black part of the lid comes off allowing you to see what's down in the hole and shed a wee bit more light on the subject. Love You!
I am sorry you have to deal with this stuff! It was great seeing you yesterday!
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