I am one of those people, call me an idealist if you will, who believes we witness miracles everyday. Because, really, every day is a gift. A miracle. I think that we just too often get boggled down with the stress of this life and we fail to take time to really see the most precious gifts we are given. Brian was away for 3 weeks. It wasn't terribly long. But we missed him greatly. Watching Nolan's face when I told him, "There's Daddy!" and then putting him on the ground to run into his Daddy's arms was one of those moments when God gently nudges me to see clearly the important things in life. I couldn't see Nolan's face as he ran into Brian's arm, but I didn't have to. Just watching those short legs run at him and those chubby arms raised in the air was priceless. This TDY has been like a preview of what's really to come. 4 whole months. My heart BREAKS thinking of Nolan being seperated from Daddy for that long. I have the luxury of understanding. Of email and letters. Since his return Brian can barely leave the room without Nolan at his heels. The beauty of all this is the reunion after 3 weeks is only a taste of what the reunion after 4 months will be. That's what I keep telling myself anyway. In the meantime, forgive us if we don't post much. We're trying to make the most of our time as a family. My parents get here next week (whoo hoo!!!) and then shortly after Cheyna and Abby come home. Words can't describe how much I've missed them and seeing the kids play together. Anyway, I am totally rambling. Brian, we love you so much. I can't say more right now, only it feels so good to have you home.
Yeah!! Welcome home Brian! So glad you made it safely. :)
What a beautiful description of Brians homecoming. I know first hand his deployment will be hard, but you will be in good hands while he is gone ;)
You are a great writer and I admire so much how you appreciate the little things in life.
Glad to see Brian made it home safely! Good luck these next few weeks...
You are a strong woman. That would be very difficult to be separated for that long.
Sometimes, I find the day too long.
I can get a complete visual of your son running to greet Daddy... so sweet. A gentle nudge is right.
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