Oh, I wish it were true...I wish he was potty trained. But I know it's still early and we are having fun getting there. He refused to sit on his potty for the longest time, so I went the candy route. He sits on the potty without a diaper for a few minutes he gets an M&M or a sticker (guess which one he always wants?). I figure if he is asking to go a few times a day, eventually while sitting there SOMETHING should happen, right? The funny thing is, he'll say "I potty!" Or "I poop!" So we run to the bathroom, shed the britches & the diaper and sit...and sit...and sit...and read a book...and sit. Nothing. Then he gets up, dressed and goes & poops! AHHH! So I know he has some sort of concept, it's just not clicking 100%. One day when I have nothing to do (because you know those happen all the time) and he's a little older I am going to fill him with juice and sit him on the potty like every 20 minutes. Hats off to all my mommy friends that went before me...I remember before I had Nolan thinking, "Why are they so worried about this potty business. Put the kid on the potty, they go and move on for pete's sake!" Ha ha ha!
Saying Cheese! (see his latest owie on his knee? He fell running to the car yesterday).

Here he's saying "Poop! Poop!" Come on, I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried!
Shutting the door for privacy:
You are way ahead of the game! That's great that he is so willing to sit there!
We saw Brian again last night.... can't wait to see our pix on the blog!
ps...I don't envy you w/the potty training...your blog is great birth control for me :)
those of us without children have oh so much to look forward to!
The second picture of Nolan is priceless and will be yet another great blackmail picture when he gets older. Glad to see you guys are doing well!
Ha Ha...I know what you're going through. I was just thinking today that I need to just wake up one day and devote the next few days to potty training. I think she's getting there!!! :)
Too Cute! He is such a ham! Miss you all ;o)
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