I am so grateful that since Brian is in Ohio right now (and not in another country) Nolan can really talk to him on the phone. We have a speaker button and I turn that on and hand the phone over. Nolan then kidnaps Daddy and takes him around the house, showing him toys, reading him books and chatting. We have also gotten into a ritual of calling Daddy right before bed and last night he even asked "Water? Night Night Daddy!" (translation: I need water and let's call Daddy). Unfortunately last night he got SUPER riled up talking to Brian (it's like Brian's actually home), and then was extremely mad and upset when it was time to be finished talking on the phone. Brian suggested tonight we call him right after dinner, before bath/bedtime routine and see if that helps....that way he can help Nolan get all of his energy out! Here's some pictures of him talking with Daddy on Sunday afternoon. He also gave Brian a drink of his juice during this conversation.

It helps when they can hear da-da's voice huh? Nolan is so handsome and getting so, so big!
Is that me on the phone? I look good there! Were you pushin my buttons last night?
Brian, you're such a funny guy. :) that is such a precious story about Nolan. Avery used to do that too when Matt was out on alerts. It's absolutely adorable. :)
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