Nolan is talking up a storm these last few days. Over the weekend he started using 2 and 3 word sentences. It's just amazing how one day it just clicks! Then all of a sudden he picked up his Sesame Street book and said, "Elll-MO!" instead of "MoMo!" I am so proud of him, but I'm a little sad, in a sentimental sense. He's growing up so fast. I always try to use the "real" words with him, even if his words are cuter, so I knew he would outgrow these words soon, but my heart just aches at what a little individual he's becoming. He also grasped the word "Abby" instead of "Bee Bee." They were "talking" on the phone yesterday and I have to say, both doing really well. I had to take the phone away from Nolan when I heard Abby say GO BRONCO's....it's getting a little out of hand. NOTE TO ANDREW...Better hurry home or Abby is going to be an offical Bronco's fan!!!
So anyway, among other things, he started saying ELBOW instead of "Bo-Bo."
He's constantly telling me things and usually I can understand what he's saying, but I feel bad when he's honestly trying hard to explain something and I am totally lost.
I love you sweet Nolan. You make me so proud to be your Momma.
Love the eskimo kisses! Keep some of the cute little words . they outgrow them so fast. I have Madeline say marshmellow all the time just to hear her say "smarsh-mellows. I laugh out loud every time :oP She probably wonders whats wrong with grandma. Brian said TeeTee for cookie and bellbow was elbow for Uncle Kurt
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