Saturday after an early dinner I thought I would treat Nolan to a snow cone. The little stubborn-pants REFUSED to try a bite. So there we were sitting at the table, Nolan playing with his truck and me eating a sno cone. Part of the problem was he ate a HUGE dinner and I don't think he was hungry, plus he wasn't terribly hot (you know when you're hot and sweaty a sno cone is perfect?). Finally when I stopped trying to get him to eat he asked for a bite. He said YUMMY and then ate like 3 more bites and was done. When we got home he waited until I asked if he was all done, he said YES, I threw the remaining melty sno cone away and then he said, "More bite!" Then there was the temper tantrum, but luckily it didn't last long!
Nolan & our sno cone (this is actually before he would take a bite, he's just checking it out)

FINALLY! A bite..."I do! I do!"
SNO Cup.....What flavor did you get? I'm jealous and am suddenly really craving a sno-cone. Miss you, Brian
Ha ha Too funny. Don't you just love them?? How did you get Nolan to say Yes by the way???? Avery says No to everything!! :)
Miss you guys.
Ah, sno-cones. We had one the other day and just let me say....what a sticky, icky mess!! But oh, so fun!!
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