Nolan got this new toy about a week ago. We stole the idea from Miss Avery, since she has one. Nolan liked hers, but at the time, couldn't even sit up for long by himself. Now he is enthralled with it! There are little balls that go in the circles of the dragon and it lights up and music sounds and sometimes the dragon goes "ROAR!" Its super cute and he loves it, as you can see! Doesn't the gator on his shirt look like he is totally freaked otu by the dragon? Ha ha!!
that toy is al lthe rage eh? Evan is a big fan as well... :)
Austin is crazy about his as well. To answer your signing questions, Austin has been actively signing since ten months, but like you I started practicing with him long before that. He just now realizes what it all means, at ten months he would sign, to mimic what I was doing, but I don't think he really knew what he was signing. Now he's started saying 'all done' as he signs. It's really amazing isn't it? Good luck with it, he'll do great because he has you!
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