This is Nolan's new expression, not sure what he is doing...any seasoned momma's out there know? He makes this face, then makes a sniffing noise, like he is smelling his lip? And I smelled..his lip smells like a lip should smell! He did this ALL NIGHT tonight and every single time he did it, I laughed! Good times!
Aaahhh--ha! I don't know what that face is, but it is SO CUTE!!!
That is too funny..cause Evan made that face for a while too.. I don't he has done it lately...maybe it is an official "stage" hee hee
Does Brian do that face- cuz he certianly did not get that from you!!
I have your scrapbook! E-mail me your address!!!
Maybe he got it from all of us girls...kissy face picture? Ha ha ha!!
HAHAHA! Well Avery does that exact same thing and I think it's hilarious too! :) She has now figured out how to blow "junk" out of her nose by doing's really great. I crack up laughing too. What a cutie he is!! He looks like he's doing a grumpy face!! I just want to pick him up and squeeze him!!!
Its officailly called a "SNOOT". If a remember correctly I think my neice Robyn used to do that. (Pat let me know if thats right.} And the only other person that has done it in our family is Nolan's Godfather and Uncle Nathan. Maybe that s were Nolan picked it up from. We have pictures of Nathan doing that exact same thing.
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