Tuesday, October 31, 2006


It somehow doesn't quite feel like Halloween with no snow on the ground....okay, actually it just doesn't feel like Halloween because it SNUCK UP on me!! Here are some pictures taken at a play date last week. It was a Halloween party and Nolan had so much fun. He kept his costume on the whole time and even won first prize for boy costumes! I'm sad because these pics don't do Nolan in his costume justice. I didn't get very many good shots because I was literally chasing him around the whole time and trying to make sure he didn't get plowed over by older kids(he doesn't quite get that he's NOT as much of a walking/running/playing pro as these big kids). We'll take lots of pics tonight! Happy Halloween everyone! :) TRICK OR TREAT!
Anyone in the mood for lobster?
Look, two lobsters for the price of one!
Better catch the lobster, he's getting away!!

Monday, October 30, 2006

New PJ's

Here's a couple pictures of Nolan with his new PJ's. They are two pieces, instead of the one and for some reason I just can't get enough of watching him toddle around in them.

Cutie Patuties

Just wanted to post a picture of our recently groomed babies. Yes, they are still our babies, even with Nolan here, but they sure don't get to be in the spot light as much, do they? We're so blessed to have these michevious, sneaky, loyal, cuddly, loving doggies. We love them to pieces and they are still so much a part of our family dynamic every day. We love you Haley & Tootsie!!!

Saturday, October 28, 2006


But VICTORY tastes so dang sweet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
CONGRATULATIONS ST. LOUIS CARDINALS! I AM SO PROUD!!!! What a way to break in the new stadium, which obviously still houses the best, loyal and awesome fans in all of time!
Here's a quote from columnist Bernie Miklasz. I think it is so well said:
"This was for baseball's best fans, who had waited 23 seasons for a reaffirmation of the proud franchise's glorious tradition. It doesn't matter where they were gathered for Game 5. They could have been shivering in the frigid bowl of Busch Stadium, or watching by the fireplace at home, or bonding with friends in a local sports bar, or watching on satellite from a base camp in Iraq, or an outpost in Afghanistan. Cardinals fans live everywhere, existing as one extended family, and they became one nation under a groove again on Friday night, when the power of this Red October pulled their heartbeats together in an electric moment. At 10:22 on the evening of Oct. 27, 2006, rookie Cardinals closer Adam Wainwright struck out the Tigers' Brandon Inge on a heinous breaking ball, sealing World Series title No. 10 with a 4-2 victory in Game 5. "We shocked the world," Cardinals center fielder Jim Edmonds said on the field, moments after the game."

Thursday, October 26, 2006

First Boo-Boo

It's not as if I didn't know it was coming. Nolan has been walking for about a month now and if I could count the amount of times during the day I suck my breath in out of fear when he falls, I would be a rich woman. He thinks he can run and the boy falls all the time. And usually is right back up trying to get into something he shouldn't be in. Saturday our luck ran thin. I was on the phone with my dad and Nolan followed Brian into the bathroom. He slipped on the bath rug and hit is head, right above his eye, on the bath tub. At first we didn't realize it was as bad as it was, but within 5 minutes we saw the damage and had to persuade him to hold still (pacifer) while we put ice on it, which only made him more mad. Our poor little guy!!!! We took him out and got some ice cream and he was snuggled non stop the rest of the day. Luckily by the second day the swelling had gone down and it looked way better, thank goodness.

Dinner with my Man

Friday night Brian arranged for a babysitter (yes, he did ALL the planning) and took me to dinner. We dropped Nolan off at a friend/co-workers house, Missy who has a daughter who wants to babysit, but isn't quite old enough to go it alone. So Missy supervised and McKenzie, her daughter did the "work" of taking care of Nolan. Her best friend helped, along with a couple girls from the neighborhood. When I sat Nolan down in a room with young girls all vying for his attention his smile was so big we could have gone to Mexico and I don't think he would have cared. They took him for a walk and were brave enough to feed him dinner. It's a messy process these days, as he refuses to let us feed him unless he is armed with a spoon of his own...and he's not afraid to use it!!! So we explained it may be messy and packed PJ's for him to get into once he was finished eating. Well, it must have been REALLY messy because after dinner the girls decided he needed a bath! They got into their swim suits and bathed Nolan. HOW CUTE!!! He had a blast and was so tuckered out from all the playing.
Meanwhile, Brian took me to the Bonefish Grill in Destin. It was a great, trendy restaurant with awesome service, very reasonable prices and amazing food! I had swordfish and it was sooooo yummy! I know Brian and I don't go out near enough and it's our own fault, but its nice when we do. I know we need that couple time and we have to work at not talking about Nolan the whole time, but once we get chatting, I remember why I married him. He's pretty funny and charming, my hubby. Thanks for a wonderful evening Brian. I love you!

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Pumpkin Patch

Friday there was a playdate scheduled at the Pumpkin Patch. It was a nice bonus that Brian was off work, so the three of us went and picked out pumpkins, played in the patch and had a great time. Here are some pictures of our awesome morning.
In this one he's wondering why we won't let him eat the hay.
Nolan is pushing the wagon...come on Da-Da, a little help please?

Puppy Love

Thursday morning I was fixing Nolan's breakfast and looked out the kitchen window to see an adorable puppy dodging cars in the street. I ran outside and called her and at first she wouldn't come. But when I turned around she followed me...into our house. She had no collar. She was so super cute. I was pretty sure she belonged to the people across the street from us, so I put a note on their door. No one called all day, so we played with her and she came out of her shell and really was a sweetheart. She is a whiner, which I don't miss about puppies, especially when I have a napping child. But the puppy snuggles and kisses...ahh, love it. So I saw the young boy get home from school and took Gypsy (as I named her) over. He opened the door and I said, "Is this your dog." He said, "Yeah, I was wondering where she was." No thank you, nothing. The next morning, it was like deja vu. Brian said, "There's the puppy again." This time two cars almost hit the dog and the cars were screeching to avoid hitting the puppy. We kept the puppy all day again and debated what we should do. We very much didn't want to give it back, but were unsure of the legal issues. So at 4 the kid knocks on our door and says, "Do you have my dog?" I said yes and explained that the dog was almost hit by a car and that she needs a collar. He giggled and said, "Yeah my friend keeps telling me that." The next time the dog gets out I am taking it to the shelter. I am so sad that people who just don't care and are so lazy bother getting dogs. It's so sad. On a bright note, here are pics of the puppy playing with Nolan:

World Series...Uh Oh Aunt Dee!!!!

We're beside ourselves that the Cardinal's are going to the World Series! Of course, my Aunt Dee lives in Michigan and I believe is a Tiger fan. Gotta love the family rivalry! :)
Thursday night I was so so nervous about the game I went to lay down (I had seriously bad butterflies) and I fell asleep. I am actually glad, I never would have survived the last inning. We rewound it and watched it, so I could see and even knowing the outcome, I was still nervous.
Nolan wore his Cards jersey right up until bedtime! GO CARDINALS!!!!!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

We're So Proud

I just wanted to send a shout out to my brother-in-law, Nathan. We're so proud of him! He recently joined the Air National Guard as is now in Texas attending "Air Force Basic Training." We recieved a letter from him a couple days ago and he is making all of us extremely proud! After boot camp he will attend technical training in Biloxi and we can't wait to visit him. Please keep him in your prayers and thoughts!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Congrats Squared

Happy (belated) 2 Year Anniversary Amanda & Ron! I couldn't shake the feeling all day yesterday I was forgetting something, but just kept thinking it was Nolan's 11 month bday. So sorry!! But now that you've posted on your blog the big news, I also want to say a HUGE CONGRATS on not only your anniversary, but on your PREGNANCY!!!
We're so happy for you two. You are going to make such wonderful parents and that little poppy seed in your belly is so lucky. We're thinking of you and missing you guys daily. Congrats!!!

Our Monkey

These pictures actually remind me of Avery, in Kim's recent post when Avery is climing out of the coffee table. I had set the extendable duster behind the bar chair so Nolan couldn't get it and clobber himself. As he seems to have a knack for, he immediately spotted the one thing in the room he shoudn't have and was trying to get to it:
Oooh, he almost has it! Uh-oh, feet are in the air, how do I get to it now? Wow! What a predicament! At this point he got mad, he was stuck so Momma got rescue him, and when I put him down, he went right back to what he was doing. Needless to say, the duster was put away.

Thank You to...

Sally & Rowdy for hosting Brian this past weekend. He had a TDY in Boston through Friday and just stayed a couple extra days to visit with the Yates. It sounds like you all had a great time, I can't wait to see pictures! You guys are such gracious hosts and wonderful friends. We can't wait until we will actually be able to see each other all at once, instead of seperate vacations! ha! And Nolan can't wait to meet you guys. While Brian was away, Nolan popped two more teeth through. At the same time. Need I say my Friday night was somewhat long? Perfect timing Brian! :) Just kidding! But in all honesty Nolan did really well, he's such a trooper. So he now has his two front bottom and two front top teeth, and it looks like more are coming through on the top!

Friday, October 13, 2006

It Only Takes 2 Seconds...

And my back turned, while I get the perfect water tempature for his bath. This kid is ALL BOY and INTO EVERYTHING!!!
Notice the sequence of events, please.
Now lets play for a bit (yes, by this time, I guess I wasn't exactly scolding him, so he was having a hayday!) Look how cute I am Momma and see how innocent and oblivious I appear? Here's the best part. I am done playing, so I will throw this Toilet Paper away. No, Momma's not making this up, nor did she encourage this. I did this on my own accord.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Kissing Doggies

Nolan is now kissing the dogs. Nolan's kisses consist of him opening his mouth until you plant one on him. In the dogs case, since they don't quite understand, I looked over today to see Haley's nose INSIDE Nolan's mouth. He was not biting. Just kissing. Of course when I tried to get it on film, he wouldn't do it. But all the talk of "give kisses" got Tootsie excited about smooching, so here she is kissing a very delighted Nolan (can you see her pink tongue???)

Thank You Vrabec's!

Cheyna & Andrew had Nolan and I over for dinner last night. It was sooooooo good. Steak, salad & taters. It was incredible. Nolan had a blast playing with Abby and trying out all her toys. Funny, today he keeps singing "B, Double E, Double R-U-N, BEER RUN, BEER RUN!" Not sure why? Hee hee! Andrew has this mechanical minature keg that plays that song (Beer Run) and both kids LOVE IT! It's too funny!Nolan had fun pushing Abby on her toy. So cute!

Happy Birthday Sally!!!!

Have a great one! I wish I could be there to cheers ya in person! Miss & love ya!

Why I love Kelly Ripa!

So I am watching this season's Bachelor...almost an accident. I flipped it on during the premiere while Brian was feeding Nolan, but now am hooked. The girls on this season...hilarious. So Monday as I watched, I kept laughing and saying, "Are you kidding me????" I called Tammi. She wasn't home. I was dying to see if anyone else felt the same way I did. I knew I could count on Kelly. Kelly Ripa. You have got to watch the link below. She is too funny and I swear, she's right on!!! If you have ever watched a season, you'll get a kick out of this clip.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Big Congratulations!!

Congratulations to my dear friend, Angie, and her now fiance, Brendon on their engagement. We're so thrilled for the two of you, even though we have yet to meet the lucky guy. Angie, you deserve so much happiness and your kindness and silly attitude always brightens a room, a restaurant, a house, a wedding, a sorority and our hearts. I am sending you a big hug!!!

The Apple doesn't fall far...

But it's not my tree this time. I don't have an organized bone in my body. I try. I really do. I love to clean (yes sick, I know), but I just do not have the knack for organizing. Luckily I married an organized man...often to a fault. Thank goodness we're not alike, how boring would that be? At least that's what Brian always says after we bicker about this or that. I thought he was lying when he said I left drawers open. Then I thought he was going around opening drawers to prove a point. Nope. Even when I was trying not to leave them open, I was doing it. I find myself now walking past the dresser shutting drawers that I left open. Ahhh, anyway, you get the point. So here's a clip of Nolan...looks like he inherited this from Da-Da for sure.
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Tuesday, October 10, 2006

More Weekend Photos

Friday night we went to dinner with Jake & Jamie at Fudpuckers on Okaloosa Island. It was very yummy and of course the company was awesome! :) Nolan made it his duty to entertain the other tables by waving and screeching and being silly. Then when he got REALLY restless, I took him to walk around in the lobby and he was making the hostesses laugh because he had his sqeeky shoes on. Let me tell you, he loves making the ladies laugh! Saturday we went to dinner at one of Brian's (kind of) co-worker's house. They were celebrating the return of her husband from Afghanistan. She also hosted the party I attended last Saturday with Cheyna. They live in a house RIGHT on the water, it is so incredible. There were lots of other kiddo's there and Nolan had a blast playing with them (but he really missed Abby, who wasn't feeling good that day and had to stay home. Poor thing!). Here's the back of the house:
Here's their "backyard" & view of the water:
Nolan walking about:
The 3 of us by the water:
Momma & Nolan (Da-Da got Nolan to actually look up while in a photo with me!)