And my back turned, while I get the perfect water tempature for his bath. This kid is ALL BOY and INTO EVERYTHING!!!
Notice the sequence of events, please.



Now lets play for a bit (yes, by this time, I guess I wasn't exactly scolding him, so he was having a hayday!)
Look how cute I am Momma and see how innocent and oblivious I appear?
Here's the best part. I am done playing, so I will throw this Toilet Paper away. No, Momma's not making this up, nor did she encourage this. I did this on my own accord.

What a hoot!!!!! We just got home from dinner and watching the CARDINALS WIN!!!!!!!!! Great talking to both of you and Sally too. Sam said she had just posted some new pics so had to log on. These are just adorable. See there's the neat little guy cleaning up after himself.
Hi I'm back. Yes still up at 2:45 am. By the way I had trouble getting to comment. Since Oct 3 rd when I blogged last now it says google/blogger account but it will not let me in the usual way. I had to click on my" mom mc" says and then went to the blogger dashboard and then it let me enter under by name and I minimzed it and was able to make comments. BOY WOULD NATHAN BE PROUD!!!!:) And also I noticed it says beta.blogger now,
Sam..How Adorable! You should get one of those frames that has several picture frames in a row.. and you should sequence these pics.... and I just loved that he cleaned it up!
so darn cute...
miss him ( well all of you of course)
Hee Hee!! How funny!! I just want to give him hugs and kisses...I know I say that all the time, but it's true!! :) Miss you!!
It's Angela from FEW...I found your blog off of Tammi's blog..what a cute baby-he looks just like Brian! I never got to see him before I left Cheyenne. How does Brian like Acquisitions? Is he ready to make a career out of it? He can call me and we can talk about it! Check out my husband is deployed to Iraq, so this is how I keep everyone informed:
Now, will he remember to put the seat down is the bigger question! What a cute little boy he is!
Lots of love from the Hubbards!
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